Kosovo Pedagogical Institute

Conference Topic Curriculum overload – impact on student achievement and wellbeing of teachers and students (Aspects of implementation of education reform – curriculum)’

Organizer: Kosovo Pedagogical Institute

Date: 01 and 02 December 2022

Venue: Mitrovicë, Kosovo

Different educational systems, in response to society’s demands to adapt the curriculum applied in schools to the rapid social, technological and economic developments, choose different approaches to curriculum revision. These approaches can result in curricular overload, the impacts of which are reflected in the well-being of students, teachers, and teaching effectiveness.

In order to find action strategies and appropriate measures to minimize the impact of curricular overload, professional literature studies that have dealt with this problem, show the need for exploring curricular overload as a special research topic, from different dimensions and perspectives, as well as from various research approaches, depending on the contexts of the educational systems.

In 2022, KPI has carried out the study research on Curricular overload in elementary and lower secondary education in Kosovo –Reality or perception?

The study aims to explore if the contents of the curricula in relation to the expectations and teaching time, present any aspect of overload for students and for teachers, as well as to outline orientations for addressing curriculum overload, to ensure the well-being of students, teachers and to support effective instruction.

The results of the study confirm elements of curricular overload in primary and lower secondary education: curriculum expansion, content overload and high expectations for students in relation to the available teaching time, perceived overload of curriculum documents, use of textbooks, homework and student assessment. Also, the results of the study confirm the impact of curricular overload on the well-being of students, teachers and on teaching effectiveness.

For the purpose of presenting and discussing the results of this study, but also of other studies  done regarding this topic,  KPI organized a two-day conference (01 and 02 December 2022), which was  open for all stakeholders and experts in the fields of curriculum implementation and reform.

The contribution of CIDREE member countries to the conference was very welcomed. Colleagues from Slovenia JasnaRojc and Branko Slivar have contributed through online presentation on the topic:  The reform approach to the curricular overload.

Colleagues form Montenegro Radoje Novovic and Anton Gjocaj participated physically in the conference and presented about the topic: The differences betwen intended and attained curriculum.

Through presentations and reflections, they brought an overview of the situation in their countries regarding curricular overload, but also information about the measures taken to deal with these overloads. The commonalities and differences of the neighbouring countries regarding the situation with curricular overloads were highlighted.

The discussions and recommendations resulting from the conference help to establish educational policies that basically have a functional strategy for the treatment and prevention of curriculum overload. This approach can be applied when revising the curriculum, but also when guiding its implementation and the learning processes that influence and have further encouraged the perceived overload. The well-being of students and teachers should be the primary reference in these processes.

Curricular overload in primary and lower secondary education in Kosovo (PDF)

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