National Education Reports in European Countries edited by Chantal Oggenfuss and Stefan C. Wolter

The 2020 CIDREE conference was organized by the Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this was the first Yearbook Conference held online.

The year 2020 has brought the unexpected to all areas of life and posed major challenges for all sectors of society. In the entire education sector, the COVID-19 pandemic meant that online teaching had to be implemented within a very short time and that answers had to be found to many questions relating to school closures. Unsurprisingly, those responsible for education want to know what this extraordinary situation means for pupils, what is the situation regarding equal opportunities, what consequences are to be expected for further educational careers, for admission to upper secondary education, for the quality of the final certificates assigned, for the labour market, etc. But what does this have to do with education reports and the monitoring of the education system? If the COVID-19 pandemic has made one thing clear in the context of educational monitoring, it is the need to collect evidence and to permanently observe the education system in order to be able to investigate the impact of an extraordinary event. It has also highlighted the conflict between the need to react to a current situation and to take evidence-based decisions for the future.

CIDREE Yearbook 2020 National Education Reports In European Countries

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