From June 21 to 22 the CIDREE Conference «Effective Assessment for Learning» took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was hosted by The National Education Institute of Slovenia with the support of Education Scotland. There were nine representatives of seven European countries who are members of CIDREE and three guests from Bosnia and Herzegovina. There were also 27 Slovenian experts who actively participated throughout the conference.

The aim of the conference was to help countries seeking to change their assessment policies and practices by identifying effective, evidence-based methodologies that they can adapt and implement to improve their current arrangements and improve learners’ achievements.
Programme (PDF)

Two keynotes from Scotland and Slovenia were addressing on one hand common understanding of assessment and on the other, how to make change work. The conference was organised as a series of presentations on key issues followed by parallel discussions which tried to answer three questions:

    • What are the advantages, benefits, best features of presented practices?
    • What are the potential difficulties in different countries/environments to adopt such an approach?
    • What are the solutions – 3 to 5 good ways of solving it?
Keynote 1 Emerson
Keynote 2 Sentocnik
Case Study Rutar
Case Study Klemencic

 Rapporteurs presented the outcomes of fruitful discussions which served as an introduction into identifying areas of potential change. Participating countries have agreed to continue working upon four issues, namely:

    • Promoting professional learning
    • Linking research and teacher discussion
    • Moderation and
    • AfL Tools.
Session 1 Armstrong
Session 1 Sagi
Session 2 Brodnik
Session 2 Seljak
Session 3 Jurimae Karner
Session 4 Emerson
Session 4 Coquide
Reporting Session 1
Reporting Session 2
Reporting Session 3
Reporting Session 4

In each area one country will serve as a source country that will support the coordinator to liaise with others in their groups and to decide on focus and the progress each country intends to make by the help of Action Research Log. The developments within individual areas of interest will also trigger the next step of the project, which will be connected to November General Assembly in Stockholm, Sweden.

Evaluation of the conference proved that it was an excellent start for CIDREE project on Assessment for learning. Particularly appreciated was the degree to which delegates could contribute, the communication preceding the conference, the added value for CIDREE and the degree to which delegates were planning to follow the conference up within their institution.

Evaluation CIDREE Programme Manager (PDF)
Evaluation Slovene Participants (PDF)


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