CIDREE expert meeting in Luxembourg: Using data for school improvement

On the 14-15th March 2019, SCRIPT-Luxembourg organized a CIDREE expert meeting to share ideas and experiences on using data for school improvement. Participants came from education ministries and institutions from Estonia, Kosovo, Norway, Slovenia and Switzerland. The objective was to discuss the various ways that educational data are set up at system level to facilitate data availability, processing, analysis and dissemination for use in the context of school improvement. In addition, the meeting addressed the different methods used by school leaders and educators in using quantitative and qualitative data as well as the types of support offered to schools to improve quality. Countries were able to present their education management information systems (dashboards) that link various data to support policy-making, school improvement and student learning. They also shared models of data literacy programs that enable school leaders and educators to read, interpret and use different types of data. Luxembourg also presented two additional projects. Firstly, the 2018-21 Erasmus+ project, DATADRIVE, which aims to explore innovative ways of empowering teachers and school leaders, by giving them methodological tools, instruments and training to develop their skills and competences to read, interpret and use different types of data so as to support evidence-driven school improvement. Secondly, participants were introduced to MathemaTIC, an adaptive multilingual learning environment to support grades 3-8 students in learning maths. Based on the national maths curriculum in Luxembourg, over 600 hundred technology-enhanced items, tutorials and guided exercises have been developed and used with enthusiasm by Luxembourg students since 2015. The real-time big data generated by the learning environment will be used to support teaching and learning of maths in the classroom.

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