This report is the product of a collaborative project that explored a range of practices and projects which address the learning needs of students with exceptional ability.  Exceptionally able students require  greater extension in breadth and depth of learning activities than is normally provided for the main cohort of students.
The participants in the project; the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), Ireland, Schweizerische Koordinationsstelle für Bildungsforschung (SKBF/CSRE), Switzerland, and Instituut voor Leerplan-Ontwikkeling (SLO), the Netherlands, set out to bring together some of the experiences of schools and teachers in their respective countries in providing curriculum provision for students with exceptional ability. The report captures these experiences in a range of case studies which describe in rich detail projects and practices at national, regional, school and classroom levels.

March 2010
Exceptionally Able Students (PDF)

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